About me

Hey guys! I am currently a software engineer (Machine Learning) at Stukent. I enjoy working on machine learning problems and building out our ML Ops platform. I have a huge love of NLP and love looking into text related probelms and building out solutions.

I hope that whatever I do is something that can benefit and help people. There is so much good that can be shared with others.

Keep reading and get to know more about me! and if you want help on any projects don't hesitate to reach out to me!


I currently am attending Georgia Institute of Techniology (OMSCS) to persue my masters degree and am specializing in Interactive intelligence.

I went to school at Brigham Young University Idaho (2018-2021) and graduated with a degree in computer science.

My favorite classes were the machine learning and senior project classes.


I love to work on and fix cars. At the age of 22 I restored and sold my dream car- a 66 mustang. I am now working on restoring a 67 mustang as my dream cara again as I had to sell the 66.

While in college I worked as a carpenter and started to make and sell custom furniture on the side. Making furniture in a 1 car garage is not easy!

I love the outdoors. I love camping, hiking and being in the mountains. When camping we would tie our hammocks between a tree and the bumper of my jeep.

I love to weld. I learned as a senior in high school and while in college I was contracted to help weld shark tanks for an aquarium.